Blueberries Carton (125gm*12 punnets) - South Africa / Peru / Morocco
- $58.00
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Country of Origin: Chile
Packing Specs: 1.5 kg (12 punnets)
Product Description:
Blueberries are small round berries that are about 5-16 millimeters in diameter. They first appear green, but ripen into a deep shade of dusty blue. The soft, hazy white coating that develops on the skins' surface is a natural waterproofing which helps protect the berries from the sun and other natural elements. Blueberries have a sweet and woodsy flavor with an acidity that can vary depending upon growing conditions. This blueberry carton has a net weight of 1.5 kg which is 12 punnets. Each punnet is 125 gm.
At YayaPapaya, our packers painstakingly survey each fruit individually so you get only the best, quality fruit. No scrubs allowed.
May the Fruits be with You.